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ear cuffs by Iza Artillero

I am Luiza Artillero.​

I'm nineteen years old and I am an aspiring fashion designer. Some random facts about me: I love everything about fashion, I can't survive a day without listening to music, I want to live in New York or Paris and I am obsessed with the Eiffel Tower!

While I was browsing fashion blogs a year ago, I discovered about the so-called "ear cuffs". It was so interesting since you don't need to have any ear piercings or whatsoever. When I saw it, I never thought of creating one for myself. But around May 2011, I realized that the majority of the people in my country have no idea what ear cuffs are. I tried selling the ear cuffs that I made and apparently a lot of people love it! :)

Now I think I sold around more than a hundred hand made ear cuffs already. I am so grateful too all my customers and hopefully they will continue supporting The Style Prodigy!

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